
Hello everyone!! Thanks for tuning into H-vision to share in the joy of Hannah and Hayden (H squared). Hope you enjoy watching them grow!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Pinch me, Hannah's 8 months old!!

We are only 4 months away people from one year old!! It is truly unbelievable! Hannah is so wonderful, and continues to make being a baby look easy. She is all over the place, her crawling skills are so refined now you have to watch your back because she sneaks up on you so fast!! Nothing is more wonderful than to hear her joyful squeal when she sees you across the room and starts to book it towards your feet!

Her favorite things now are eating more solid foods like banana, cheese, toast, cottage cheese, potatoes, crackers, and anything Daddy will let her eat!! She loves cruising around her house to find her regulars, such as, the stove, the DVD/VCR player, the toilet (yikes!), and cabinets. She starts kicking every time she sees the water, she loves it so much and is doing so well in swim class.

She also loves to bang on the keyboard of the laptop like Mommy does, and suck on the cell phones while she talks to family. If you get a strange message or email from Kirk or Erin, you know Hannah is trying to get you!! She is very helpful on the laptop, somehow she always gets the help/support window to open for Mommy! Too bad, there is no help from Microsoft for teething... Hannah is cutting her two front teeth now and has handled it fairly well. At the same time, Mommy is trying to cut out the nighttime feedings so by 9 months Hannah will be a big girl and sleep through the night. This will also help the weaning transition if she does not need to nurse to go to sleep at 1 year old! Speaking of sleep, she fell asleep next door at Grandpa's very easily-on the couch! Come over anytime Grandpa if she goes out this easy!

We had a short visit with Grandma Julia and Auntie Ave, but it was wonderful to see them. We had just about every illness in the house that weekend (bummer), but Hannah enjoyed her family here very much. For those who may not know, we are getting ready to purchase our first house in Old Town and are just waiting for construction to finish. So, in the next month or so, Hannah will have a new bedroom upstairs!! We are very excited to have more space, but not so excited about having to move once again. We will post photos as soon as we can of the new place for all those abroad!

Tune in next time for more ......................HANNAH VISION.................................

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