
Hello everyone!! Thanks for tuning into H-vision to share in the joy of Hannah and Hayden (H squared). Hope you enjoy watching them grow!!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Hannah's Pageant debut

Yes, Hannah was in her first baby pageant today!!! Kirk, Grandpa and Aunt Bonnie escorted Hannah to the New Mexico Baby Pageant today and the first picture is Hannah charming the panel of judges with her huge smile! We won't find out her standings until later this week, and we still have two more events in the pageant to complete, a costume contest and the royalty pagaent. It's been a very casual pageant and Kirk has had fun coordinating with Hannah.

Hannah has a new cousin! A perfect baby boy, Logan Heath Blobaum was born 8 lbs and 20 inches long Thursday, October 19th to happy parents Julie and Heath Blobaum. Heath is Aunt Bonnie's youngest son and just returned from serving in Iraq in the nick of time for his son's birth. Congratulations to the new parents!

Hannah now officially has 4 teeth! The two on top finally came through after many nights of painful awakenings for Hannah, but now she is able to really bite into things and grind her teeth together! Yum, yum!! Hannah is still enjoying her swim class twice a week and has become a pro jumping off the side. She is experiencing "separation anxiety" and this means mommy is experiencing "cling-on syndrome." Hannah has burst into tears spontaneously while in others arms, so the days of easy going baby seem to be coming to an end...for now.... Stay tuned for more Hannah vision. ..

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