
Hello everyone!! Thanks for tuning into H-vision to share in the joy of Hannah and Hayden (H squared). Hope you enjoy watching them grow!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

You have to learn to walk before you crawl!!

Hannah loves to show off her standing abilities!! It is just amazing, she will scoot across the floor on elbows and knees, but at her first opportunity, this girl wants to stand, period!! She has very strong legs and when you try to merely sit her up, BOOM!!, she stands up on you!! For all of you far away, here is are also some pictures of Hannah's new backyard, which is this green (in the desert) all by itself. The rains over the last month have been sufficient to keep all the vegetation beautifully alive! Imagine that!!

Also, some pictures of Hannah's new high chair. She is still basically eating lumpy veggies, fruits and rice cereal, but did gnaw on a hard piece of toast and destroyed it, so she is starting to branch out. She loves her new house and backyard, as do her happy parents!!

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