
Hello everyone!! Thanks for tuning into H-vision to share in the joy of Hannah and Hayden (H squared). Hope you enjoy watching them grow!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Hannah Bear is really scooting now!! Daddy saw her really crawl on Sunday during the big move, but she hasn't really done it again. She scoots like a pro on her tummy, but hasn't quite gotten the coordination of all four limbs together yet. She is enjoying her new house, relaxing on the carpet and scooting around everywhere - watch out!!

She also recently acquired a new hobby of exploring her activity center given by her cousin Amy Walsh.

Hannah is eating applesauce, prunes, rice cereal, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, peas, bananas and loves white grape juice and water!! Her main meal is still from Mommy, but she has really taken to trying anything!! She has started grabbing the spoon and putting it in her own mouth, sucking it dry then throwing down for more.

We went to our first swim classes yesterday and Hannah did great at chasing balls with her hands and didn't mind the splashes and water in her eyes.

She gets her 6 month shots tomorrow (yikes) and Mom and Dad cannot believe it is already time. The first few months lingered, but somewhere along the way, the time just flew by! Every day with Hannah is a blessing. She is so happy all the time and amazes us with her sense of humor and smarts. God really blessed us with a wonderful child!!

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