
Hello everyone!! Thanks for tuning into H-vision to share in the joy of Hannah and Hayden (H squared). Hope you enjoy watching them grow!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Busy, Busy little Girl

Well, the exciting update is also the reason why the blog update has been so overdue.........Hannah is walking!! She is a walking fool, she walks everywhere she can, carrying things with her now, doing her laps with different toys to practice her skills, and she is getting much more adventurous (if that's possible). She is also talking more, and we think she says dog - she loves dogs and can identify them in her books!

Hannah had such a blast with her Aunt Shanny and little puppy Rockstar. Thanksgiving was wonderful with all the family, and of course, Hannah still loves to watch her Elmo, and look at pretty much anything that has Elmo on it!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Hidden Talents

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Hannah's Best Friends

Fang and Hannah had a blast this past weekend!! Fang's mommy (Hannah's Vido) let us keep Fang, a Yorkie, for 3 days and Hannah had so much fun with him! Fang loves Hannah and checks on her often since she cried more than usual due to her still having a cold. But, that didn't slow her down from taking her first steps with determination to chase her buddy Fang!! Yes, that's right, Hannah decided on her own to take some steps into the great abiss of the open world, in hopes of getting closer to her bud, Fang.

So, when Fang is not around, Hannah loves to roll around with her other puppy, Slobbers. It is beyond adorable to hear her laugh and giggle when she jumps on him!! Also, she is pretty fond of her Elmo DVD and actually enjoys just gazing at the cover and scooting it around the house!! But when she hears that catchy tune and Elmo's voice, she squeals!!!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Happy Halloween!!

*****Update: Hannah placed 2nd in the costume contest! Yeah! That was the last pageant event for Hannah, Good Job Girl!!!

Hannah attended the second pageant event on Sunday in her Lady Bug costume! She did so well with her Daddy again. In this statewide pageant she placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd, so far. She got 3rd in the beauty contest (picture you see on last post), 2nd in the photo contest, and she won the Personality Kiddie Trophie!! We are so proud of Hannah and never expected so many awards!

She went trick or treating around town and got some lovely treats, just right for a baby!!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Hannah's Pageant debut

Yes, Hannah was in her first baby pageant today!!! Kirk, Grandpa and Aunt Bonnie escorted Hannah to the New Mexico Baby Pageant today and the first picture is Hannah charming the panel of judges with her huge smile! We won't find out her standings until later this week, and we still have two more events in the pageant to complete, a costume contest and the royalty pagaent. It's been a very casual pageant and Kirk has had fun coordinating with Hannah.

Hannah has a new cousin! A perfect baby boy, Logan Heath Blobaum was born 8 lbs and 20 inches long Thursday, October 19th to happy parents Julie and Heath Blobaum. Heath is Aunt Bonnie's youngest son and just returned from serving in Iraq in the nick of time for his son's birth. Congratulations to the new parents!

Hannah now officially has 4 teeth! The two on top finally came through after many nights of painful awakenings for Hannah, but now she is able to really bite into things and grind her teeth together! Yum, yum!! Hannah is still enjoying her swim class twice a week and has become a pro jumping off the side. She is experiencing "separation anxiety" and this means mommy is experiencing "cling-on syndrome." Hannah has burst into tears spontaneously while in others arms, so the days of easy going baby seem to be coming to an end...for now.... Stay tuned for more Hannah vision. ..

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Pinch me, Hannah's 8 months old!!

We are only 4 months away people from one year old!! It is truly unbelievable! Hannah is so wonderful, and continues to make being a baby look easy. She is all over the place, her crawling skills are so refined now you have to watch your back because she sneaks up on you so fast!! Nothing is more wonderful than to hear her joyful squeal when she sees you across the room and starts to book it towards your feet!

Her favorite things now are eating more solid foods like banana, cheese, toast, cottage cheese, potatoes, crackers, and anything Daddy will let her eat!! She loves cruising around her house to find her regulars, such as, the stove, the DVD/VCR player, the toilet (yikes!), and cabinets. She starts kicking every time she sees the water, she loves it so much and is doing so well in swim class.

She also loves to bang on the keyboard of the laptop like Mommy does, and suck on the cell phones while she talks to family. If you get a strange message or email from Kirk or Erin, you know Hannah is trying to get you!! She is very helpful on the laptop, somehow she always gets the help/support window to open for Mommy! Too bad, there is no help from Microsoft for teething... Hannah is cutting her two front teeth now and has handled it fairly well. At the same time, Mommy is trying to cut out the nighttime feedings so by 9 months Hannah will be a big girl and sleep through the night. This will also help the weaning transition if she does not need to nurse to go to sleep at 1 year old! Speaking of sleep, she fell asleep next door at Grandpa's very easily-on the couch! Come over anytime Grandpa if she goes out this easy!

We had a short visit with Grandma Julia and Auntie Ave, but it was wonderful to see them. We had just about every illness in the house that weekend (bummer), but Hannah enjoyed her family here very much. For those who may not know, we are getting ready to purchase our first house in Old Town and are just waiting for construction to finish. So, in the next month or so, Hannah will have a new bedroom upstairs!! We are very excited to have more space, but not so excited about having to move once again. We will post photos as soon as we can of the new place for all those abroad!

Tune in next time for more ......................HANNAH VISION.................................

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

7 months big!!

Hannah's head has become her battering ram as she works her way around every inch of the living room!! Her head lost the battle with the tile by the door, the wall by the kitchen, the entertainment center shelf, her piano, and is very comfortable now with the limits of bouncing off the carpet!! She is learning fast, after she made the first small crawling attempts on all fours, she has been off in a hurry! She really enjoys playing with anything of Daddy's - patting on his toolbox, playing with his flip-flops, scratching on his file box, and feeling every texture of his stacks of paperwork of the shelf! Hannah is so busy, in fact, she is too busy to sleep at night, she finds herself sleep walking up her crib at night then cries for help when she gets stuck! We take strolls through the mall every week with Daddy wearing Hannah on his stomach, and lately Hannah is very excited to watch our feet. She is very interested by the way our feet move across the floor and reaches down to get them! Mommy is very apprehensive about little Banana walking so soon, but we are very proud of her skills!! Hello everyone around the country, we love you!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Life of Leisure

We are all enjoying the backyard, and Kirk is quite the grill master. He makes the best pork ribs you'll have this side of Texas!! (he-he) We enjoyed seeing Grandpa Peter and Grandma Diane this weekend and had a wonderful dinner in Los Alamos with them. I guess it is official that Hannah is crawling!! She is able to crawl, however, prefers to stand up!! Hope to get more pictures of her silliness soon!! Stay tuned!!