
Hello everyone!! Thanks for tuning into H-vision to share in the joy of Hannah and Hayden (H squared). Hope you enjoy watching them grow!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Oh my boots!!

I am such a good eater!! Way bigger than Hannah was at my age. Better watch out sister!!
I did have pants, but after my accident it was a great photo op!
There is a baby Hayden under here. I love to sleep with something over my face, somehow I always get it over my eyes!!
Mommy got me a pair of cowgirl boots, and even though they are too big, I don't want to take them off!! I would sleep in them if Mommy and Daddy let me!!

Big boy!! I am holding my head up better, but still get pretty wobbly!
Oh yeah, and my doggie hat is pretty cool too. I like to bark "Woof, woof!" while wearing it!! Too cute!! I am getting pretty good with my words now. Mommy is going to send out a little video clip of me talking to everyone!

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