
Hello everyone!! Thanks for tuning into H-vision to share in the joy of Hannah and Hayden (H squared). Hope you enjoy watching them grow!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Oh my boots!!

I am such a good eater!! Way bigger than Hannah was at my age. Better watch out sister!!
I did have pants, but after my accident it was a great photo op!
There is a baby Hayden under here. I love to sleep with something over my face, somehow I always get it over my eyes!!
Mommy got me a pair of cowgirl boots, and even though they are too big, I don't want to take them off!! I would sleep in them if Mommy and Daddy let me!!

Big boy!! I am holding my head up better, but still get pretty wobbly!
Oh yeah, and my doggie hat is pretty cool too. I like to bark "Woof, woof!" while wearing it!! Too cute!! I am getting pretty good with my words now. Mommy is going to send out a little video clip of me talking to everyone!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Beautiful Babies

Some of these pictures are from my phone, so they are very small. Standing in my bucket.

Mommy & Daddy!!

I love wearing Daddy's ties and shoes!!Hannah and Mommy are crazy for the balloons right now and chased quite a few today!