
Hello everyone!! Thanks for tuning into H-vision to share in the joy of Hannah and Hayden (H squared). Hope you enjoy watching them grow!!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Stunts 101

First, I like to push my tiny firetruck around until I get stuck under the table. Mom laughs, but helps me out because I cannot figure out that I can crawl out.

Then, I like to ride my big truck with my snake wrapped around my neck; it's way dangerous.

I still like to chill in my bean bag to watch a movie, and I love my new puppy that Daddy gave me, he gets lots of hugs and kisses.
Now here is where it gets interesing, see. I pretend like I am going to put my leg over the seat to sit on my truck, but......

HA!! Instead I like to do a stand on it like I am a pro motorcycle rider!! My Daddy laughs and laughs, and Mommy just thinks its so cool she squeels until I get off.
They couldn't catch a picture of me while I was standing all the way up saying, "Look!! No hands!!" but you get the idea.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

It's a Boy!

Hannah will have a baby brother, according to the ultrasound today. Baby brother is due to be born July 29th, 2007. So now everyone can start stocking up on boy clothes, blankets and bedding for us, we have none and no hand-me-downs for boys either! So feel free to hit garage sales and any hand-me-downs send our way!!!

We are so excited to have a boy, it will be a whole new learning experience for us! He looks so beautiful and is growing right on schedule. It does look like he has huge feet like his Dad and big eyes like Mom, and he was trying to suck his thumb!!

Pretty soon the blog will have to be shared by brother and sister, so many exciting things to come with Hannah getting to know him and getting used to sharing Mommy (yikes!!).

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Hi There! Hannah now says hi to just about everything, as long as they don't say hi first. She is a little shy in her response still, and says good-bye usually after people leave. It sounds like she says "Hayden," which is funny because this is Kirk's top pick for Baby X's name. She does say "Go," whenever she wants to go outside, and also knows ball, book, juice, eat, dog, cat, banana, Elmo (of course), bear, and she is now learning about sounds outside and is learning bird. We are slow going on signing, but Mom is not so consistent with signing to her all day. She does seem to understand the signs, but does not sign back, as far as I can tell yet.

Hannah loves her tomatos and is getting pretty good with her spoon, but can't quite scoop yet.
She loves her balls and chases them around inside and out. She kicks them and rolls around on them, giggling and squeeling.

She still loves her bath time, and Dad loves styling her shampoo'd hair. We had to put the cutie bootie shot, it's just too cute how she runs around after getting undressed for her bath.
She is getting so big, 13 months old and now in the big girl car chair facing forward, which she loves!!! She is still being a cling-on these days, and doesn't take being away from Mom too long and is getting more weary of people. I think she's worried that they will take her away from Mommy!! She's good at backing up and doing an about face when she feels she might be snatched by Grandpa Peter!!