
Hello everyone!! Thanks for tuning into H-vision to share in the joy of Hannah and Hayden (H squared). Hope you enjoy watching them grow!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Various Wiley Videos

Hannah loves to sing along with her signing video, I find it so funny, she usually screams the line "come and play!!"

Swinging away...........

Hannah, Miranda and Shannon had fun playing in pool on a hot Mother's Day.

The one day of rain in the past two months, Hannah finally got to use the umbrella. Of course, she is quite intrigued with it and wants to use it when the sprinklers are on!!

Hayden likes to be up like Hannah, so standing, in his walker, or having someone walk him is about the only way he is happy these days.

May Days

Big boy, trying to walk before he crawls. He still has no interest in crawling, at all!! He does love to walk..........
and sleep.........
and look totally adorable all the time!!
Somebody's wearing underpants!! Only sometimes, though. She's getting the hang of going in the potty!! Yeah!!
Aunt Allena and Uncle Debashis looking beautiful at Birthday dinner for Grandma Di.
Daddy's handy work on Mommy's foot. Part of Mother's day gift to Mama.
Daddy and Uncle Debashis at B-day dinner for Grandma Di.
Grandma Diane and GP!! Hope you had a great birthday Grandma!!

No kids Chicago!!!

"The Bean" in Millennium Park.

At the Cubs vs Dodgers game, 3rd base line!! Totally amazing!!!

Courtesy of Jeanne..........Thanks for a great trip!!

In front of the amphitheater at Millennium Park.

On the 96th floor of the Hancock Tower, in the Signature Lounge. It's so high it makes you dizzy when you walk across the room. Completely
awesome!! Gorgeous view of the lake, downtown, and city.

We were given a wonderful tour of the city, got a boat ride around Navy Pier after riding the huge ferris wheel, all thanks to Jeanne.

Jeanne's apt building is almost exactly center in the picture with the lake. Yeah, she is that close.

It was so wonderful to have a break from the kids, and thank you all who helped take care of them while we were gone. We can't wait to go back with kiddos when they can appreciate it!

Shannon joined us in Chicago and got a new 'do. She also finished a very large oil painting for Jeanne in about a week. Go Shanny!! I'll try to get pictures of it to post. Absolutely beautiful piece!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Some Cute Video...


Please excuse a bit of Daddy plumber shots, but this was just too good to not post. Everyone who knows and loves Kirk has already seen it!!