
Hello everyone!! Thanks for tuning into H-vision to share in the joy of Hannah and Hayden (H squared). Hope you enjoy watching them grow!!

Monday, July 17, 2006

First Haircut & More!!

Hannah received her first haircut with her Dad from the beloved Amalia. Hannah did great and looks so different now - like a big girl!!

She is sitting up great, and now moving from upright to her tummy. She is also very much on the move - scooting like a plow - head down and plow forward!! She is so wonderful and just keeps getting more cute everyday, if that's possible!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Water Baby

First Visit to Los Alamos

Can you believe this is the first visit to Los Alamos for Hannah?!! Hannah loved the weather and nice temperatures! She showed off a little bit for Grandpa and Grandma by showing her sharp teeth and how she can almost sit up by herself!! With some help and practice with Daddy, Hannah started to use her arms to stabilize her while she is sitting, and after that, caught on pretty fast!! She also got slobbered and kissed by Dan, which she didn't seem to mind at all! Here are some cute pictures of her swimming in Los Alamos. She was kicking her legs and enjoying the water so much!

20 weeks & Camping

Hannah enjoys the outdoors as much as her mom and dad (luckily). She enjoyed camping this long July 4th weekend in the Jemez Mountains. Hannah is still a great traveler, and was wonderful on the few hikes along the river and to see the cliff dwellings at Bandelier National Park. Like people have been saying, if this is an indication of Hannah's personality - boy did we luck out!!

Enjoy the new pictures and we hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July!!

More Overdue Pics