
Hello everyone!! Thanks for tuning into H-vision to share in the joy of Hannah and Hayden (H squared). Hope you enjoy watching them grow!!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Overdue Updates!

Hannah has reached some more milestones recently, and subsequently, has kept us very busy!!

She's got 2 bottom teeth coming in! If you look very closely, you can see them in one of the pictures. She is doing quite well with them coming in, but her sleep has now diminished due to her discomfort.

Hannah is also now eating some pureed vegetables and seems to really like sweet potatos and squash. She and bottles definitely do not get along, however, she loves to drink water from a sport bottle top or even from a glass! She loves water! Thank God!

She is now able to grab both toes and can bring her left toe into her mouth. She is sitting up on her own for about 2-3 minutes, but if she gets excited she jerks her body over. She is also rolling from back to side to tummy and then back. She is on the move!!

She met more cousins, Lynn, Glen, Jessica and Jacob! Such cute cousins, and they were so excited to meet their baby cousin Hannah.

Hannah loves doing tricks now with her Daddy, and besides loving to sit up, she pops up on her legs and loves to stand with help!! She's got a monkey's grip, watch out when anything gets close enough for her to grab!!

Monday, June 05, 2006

4 Months Already!!

Baby Hannah is getting so big! She took her first dip in the swimming pool while in Salida, Colorado. She loved the water and got so relaxed she almost fell asleep! We had a wonderful trip visiting family all around Colorado, and went as far east as Flagler, CO to visit Hannah's 4th cousin Lyle, her Great Grandfather Bruce Stone's cousin. Lyle and her Great Grandfather used to play music together when her grandmother Sunnie was a little girl.

Hannah sure loves to express herself now since she has really learned that making noise gets her stuff. She is a great traveler, but after a week, she was losing her patience.
She rolled over onto her stomach for the first time unassisted while we were in Sailda with her Grandma Julia. She recently started to eat rice cereal also, and she is slowly learning that you can't suck milk out of the spoon. But, she does not mind the rice cereal and her body seems to agree with it.
This growing girl, I think she must be up to 16 lbs!! We go to her 4 month checkup on Wednesday so we'll see exactly where she is at. Poor baby has to get her third round of shots (boo-hoo). I wish we could record and post her talking on the web for all to hear!! She is just a riot when she gets going, but her laugh is the best of all! We love all of you out there, and stay tuned to Hannah Vision!