
Hello everyone!! Thanks for tuning into H-vision to share in the joy of Hannah and Hayden (H squared). Hope you enjoy watching them grow!!

Sunday, April 30, 2006

12 Weeks Old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hannah is growing so fast, she is over 13 pounds now. Sitting up more and more everyday. Hannah finally got her first night sleep without waking up, mom on the other hand still woke up a few different times. Hannah is holding onto her toys more and more. Today she got to feel the grass on her little feet when we went on walk to the park. Hannah is starting to smile more and giggling more! It make us laugh and feels so great. She is expressing herself more by crying for longer periods of time. Hannah now knows the difference between mom and others!!!!! Thanks for tuning in again. See you next time same place maybe different time, but see you then. We love everyone so much!!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

New Discoveries!!

Hannah has had an exciting week!! Hannah is realizing that she has hands, now how do I control them? Yummy, yum, they sure feel and taste interesting!! Also, she is trying so very hard to sit up, she does about 100 crunches a day to get in shape. Her legs are also getting stronger, helping her to roll back and forth while on her back. She so desperately wants to roll to her stomach, pointing her head down and hoping her body will follow.

And the bad news, Hannah got her first cold! Yep, Mom got her sick, but the doctor says her sniffles are totally normal and she still looks good!! She has gained another pound in 2 weeks, so she's up to 12 lbs. 6 oz. Her coos and gurgles are just too darn adorable, causing us all to laugh and then wait patiently for some more. She is adjusting to the night times very well, and basically is the best baby in the world, what can I say!!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Hannah's Day Out

Hannah acted as a distraction while her Great Aunt Bonnie negotiated a deal on her new car!! Bonnie got a beautiful Titanium Green Ford Fusion and is very pleased with her purchase! Hannah also attended church services today for the first time and seemed to enjoy the singing very much (she fell asleep).

Hannah had her first round of shots this past week and was such a brave girl. She only cried for a minute and then slept it off. She is holding her head much better, but not totally stable yet. Hannah is telling us stories now! Cooing and gurgling, also smiling and laughing when tickled by Mom and Dad.

Mom is starting to realize this period is so short and is so thankful that she can spend as much time with Hannah as possible. It is the most miraculous experience to witness!!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

THE BIG DAY!!!!!!!!!