
Hello everyone!! Thanks for tuning into H-vision to share in the joy of Hannah and Hayden (H squared). Hope you enjoy watching them grow!!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

1st Trip Out of Town

Hannah did great on her first trip out of town to Santa Fe! Mom and Dad needed new vehicles to transport Hannah safely and reliably, so we went to visit Uncle Steve at his dealership in Santa Fe. Hannah helped pick out a nice 2005 Ford Escape for Mom and a 1994 Mitsubishi Montero for Dad, and thanks to Grandpa Peter, Hannah's Mom and Dad could afford to get them!!

Then we got to have dinner with Uncle Andrew, Aunt Erin and Cousin Mia at their house in Santa Fe. Hannah enjoyed staring at her Cousin Mia as she held her, and squirmed away in her arms as usual! You gotta be on your toes when you hold Hannah, for only 3 weeks old, she is sure strong and determined to move around! Mia had some wonderful gifts for Hannah, including an adorable quilt made by Aunt June and some beloved items of Mia's.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Home 2 Weeks

Hannah is growing fast, and eating as much as her Daddy! She loves her bath and hanging out with family! She's expressing herself more, laughing, smiling, and yes, crying. She met her Aunt Jeanne and Uncle Eli this weekend, and has so much more family to meet!! Mommy and Daddy are doing good; surviving luckily on food contributions from family and friends (thank you!). Hannah is holding her head up more, and enjoys trying to sit up. She is showing her personality more, and of course she has an independent streak! Stay tuned for more updates....

Saturday, February 11, 2006

1 WEEK OLD!!!!

Hannah finally lost her little cord, so we were able to give her a real bath. woohoo!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

6 Day Old Pictures!!!!!!!!

Hannah is growing quickly. She gained 6oz in 3 days. Also her cord is hanging by a thread, ready to come off any time!! Pretty soon we can give little Hannah a real bath.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A Whole New World

Hannah is exploring and trying to adjust to her new world. So far, she is doing marvelously well!!

She has met Aunts and Grandparents, and has many more loved ones to meet that can't wait!

She is so precious, and Erin and Kirk are in awe of her (not to mention sleep deprived).

Getting to know her is so amazing and fun! Erin & Kirk are proving to be a great pit crew for midnight diaper changes, and Hannah does a good job tolerating all the shocks of this world.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Welcome Hannah Rose Moody!!

Hi Hannah!
Our beautiful baby girl arrived February 3rd, 2006 at 2:59pm! She is a dream come true!

We are finally home with her and settling in. She is an angel, too perfect for words.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

It's Hannah's D-Day!!!

It's Hannah's D-Day!!! The little girl is working on dropping - last night during our laps at Walmart she made great attempts! This waiting game is rough! I did get to see her chubby cheeks (ultrasound) on Tuesday, and everything looks cute as can be! Erin and Kirk are both off to work today, keeping busy to get through their anxiousness. We'll see if Hannah decides to share a birthday with Aunt Rose, or let her keep her special day!